Friday, January 25, 2008

Trust the News: An inquiry into Iraq war will happen

Foreign Office minister Lord Malloch-Brown said that an inquiry into the Iraq was will happen eventually, but now is not the right time.

Your Lordship, now is never the right time. Unfortunately, now is the only time we have. So what is that you’re waiting for? Post-retirement inquiry? Post losing the next election? Or maybe that senility and old age will prevent those responsible from appearing in court?

The public was lied to. This is a fact. Public money was used for inappropriate purposes, this is another fact. And no one can give a single reason what the f*** we are doing in Iraq. If it was not the government but a private company, this would have been considered criminal and lead to jail sentences. But the government is immune, even against criminal acts.

You were not there where the decision was made, and cannot be blamed. It was not your government, but those who made the decisions are your peers. By protecting them you become accomplice.

So the earlier we know the fact, the better it will be for all of us. So what are you waiting for?

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