Friday, January 18, 2008

Martial arts and violence

My son was taking karate classes at his school. He loved it, he was good at it (genetic I suspect .) But when his friend's parents commented that there was enough violence in the world, and that kids should not learn martial arts, and his class mates were teasing him, he stopped. I can’t talk him into going back.

Isn't is amazing how much our life is defined by ignorance and stupidity?

Most traditional martial art are non violent. There is far less violent in a karate match than in a football match. Very little of the violence in our street is by martial artists. On the contrary, it has been shown that martial art training in violent neighborhoods reduced violence. This is for two reasons:

  • Traditional martial arts instill self discipline. “Be a devil for yourself and an angel for the other.” The gang culture in our streets is about lack of self discipline.
  • When people are confident (not arrogant) in their ability to defend themselves, there is less chance they, or people around them, will be attacked in the first place.
There are two type of non-violence attitude.
  1. You avoid violence for philosophical reasons, while knowing that in cases when violence is the only resort, you will not be afraid to use it. This attitude reduces violence. 
  2. You avoid violence out of fear. Being a cowed attracts violence. After all it does not take two to start a fight.
 If more people avoided confrontation for philosophical reason, out of choice, instead of running away from it out of cowardice, our streets would be much safer.I still hope I can talk my son into going back.

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