If the word ‘Censor’ makes you think of R rated, you may not find it here. Instead, this is the where I put my uncensored thoughts (well, some may be R rated). It will have lots of unrelated stuff, boring and interesting alike. I know that it will not bring many readers, but I have no ambition to make it into a source of income, or use it to make a name in the world. So why do I do it? Why do YOU do anything at all? I feel like it, and this is good enough for me – at least for the time being.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Don't believe what you read
Research allegedly discovered that
most people fear public speaking more than they fear death. Wouldn't you expect a pre public speaking suicide syndrome?
Hahaha. That is so funny.
Apparently, the thing humans most dread is public humiliation. Would you agree?
I still think that death is the number one fear of most people. Until they have to face it
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