Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Should anyone be allowed to have children?

John Ward was compared to a Nazi after he wrote in his blog that people living on benefits should not be allowed to continue having children for the good of society.

Whether or not you agree with him, it still raises a moral dilemma that we, as a ‘free’ society refuse to face: “should anyone have right to have children?”

Let’s focus on question, rather than finding an escape path by referring to China’s one child policy or Nazi Germany. After all, we don’t shun breakfasts because Nazis had them.

Like it or not, our 'freedom' is always restricted. We can’t drive without a driving license; we are not allowed to drink before drinking age, and we can’t teach without a teaching qualification. These laws - justified or not - limit individual freedom to protect society's. So can't we consider situations in which we prevent people from having children?

What about extreme situations, like the mother that has killed three of her children in violence attacks, should she be allowed to have a fourth? Is the mother's right to have them succeeds the unborn children right not to be born to be sacrificed?

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